We found out we were prego on November 20th, 2013. I stopped taking bc pills in the end of October.  I have pretty regular periods, but my November period was late. I thought it got delayed after stopping the pills since that can mess up the hormones…

A few days went by and I decided to buy a couple of pregnancy tests from the dollar store. I took the test, and tada! It was positive. I couldn’t believe my eyes… So I took another one. T'was positive again!!! I thought maybe the pregnancy tests from the dollar store weren’t as accurate due to the cheap price. I ran to the store and got some pricey pregnancy tests… then I drove back home as fast as I could, drank tons of water, and took another p-test. It was positive again! :D  I was shocked, nervous, excited, scared… I really didn't think I could get pregnant so fast!

I waited a little while to tell  the 'happy' news to Brady… We were watching TV, just sitting on the couch and chilling. He looked at me and he knew there was something going on with me, he always knows when there’s something going on in my mind. He knows me so well :)

We went to our bedroom and I just started crying, then I told him I was pregnant! He gave me a big hug and said he loved me. Even tho I knew he was also shocked! We weren’t expecting this at all, especially because I had just stopped the pills.  But Heavenly Father knows what we need and this baby is what we need right now. We are both super excited and cannot wait to meet our little baby!

We broke the news to our families on the second week of December. I wanted to surprise my parents on Christmas Day, but I couldn’t wait any longer, so I had to spit it out before Xmas.  My parents are super excited and can’t believe they are going to be grandparents for the first time! This baby will for sure be spoiled rotten!

We also broke the news to our close friends and few family members throughout the months of December and January… Then end of January we announced the big news to everyone! We received lots of cute messages from everyone and wanted to thank you all for the love and support!!!

Our due date is July 25th, but I have a feeling she/he will decide to come a little later than that.


B + D